Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Painting Horses Part Du"

The second session of "Painting Horses"  has come and gone with a good time had by all (including our model Crystal, I think!).  

The work turned out was wonderful!  We spent more time drawing this session and I think it paid off.  Though working from a live model who doesn't hold completely still was challenging, when we compartmentalized our goals into drawing then seeing and painting the colors out there it worked well. Two days then spent in the studio doing a "finished" painting and I believe none will be so intimidated as to not try painting animals, people, etc. from life again.  We also took a "field trip" to the Loveland Museum to view it's "Horse"  exhibit which was fun and inspiring with several different artists and their interpretations of the horse through art.

My plein air and studio painting in progress.

Donna working on her studio painting.
 Not shown are her  photo, thumbnail
sketch and  plein air.

Dawn at an early stage of her studio painting.  Not shown
are her photo, thumbnail sketch and plein air.

Dena, showing her studio painting with photo and thumbnail sketch.
She also had her plein air for color reference.

Stay tuned for workshops painting dogs and birds sometime this fall and winter!


Ruth Andre said...

What a great post and what a great workshop. The paintings look great.

Unknown said...

Thanks Ruth, it was great fun!