Thursday, November 24, 2011


"Running Paint"

Yes, it's that time of year already!  The Christmas Mini-shows!  But as artists, we've been thinking about the holidays for some time now, painting all those little gems, our deadline being right around Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving morning as I write, with the giblets simmering and the turkey waiting to be stuffed and put into the oven, anticipating the arrival of my family for dinner. I can't help but thank God for this wonderful life I lead as an artist.  With all it's trials, insecurities and uncertainties (all you artists know what I'm talking about!), I am still filled with joy every time I put brush to canvas. I think I love to paint animals because their nature reminds me of what is truly important in this life, and the landscape is pure genius of creation.  So Happy Thanksgiving to all!!  Gotta go chop some celery and onion . . .

"Prairie King"
Abend Gallery, Denver, CO

"Partners II"
Evergreen Fine Art, Evergreen, CO

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